my unapologetic values

My values are important to me. 

They represent what I do (and how I do it). They represent what I stand for and what I don’t.  They represent who I work with and who I don’t. They represent who I am.

They’re my north star when I feel stuck. They’re my guiding light when I get lost. They’re my moral compass when I have to make tough decisions.

They’re the anchor for my business. And my life.   They help me sleep at night (and trust me, I love to sleep…) They protect my boundaries and my peace.

And they’re non-negotiable.

I know that I won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay. Some will say I’m “too this” or “not enough of that”, and that’s okay too.  

I value what I value.  I stand for what I stand for.  I am who I am.  

my values


Choose kindness, compassion, and empathy, first.
Meet people where they are.
Listen first, think next, speak last.
Be dependable. 
Be someone that people can trust and respect.
Always choose “care” over “coin”. 


Tell the truth.
Do the right thing.
Every time.
Even when it’s hard.
Even when it’s uncomfortable. 
Stand for what is just and right.
Engage fearlessly when it’s the right thing to do.
Balance head and heart considerations.
Recognize your bias.
Be fair.
Don’t assume.
Take responsibility and be accountable for your actions.
Admit when you make a mistake.
And learn from it. 


Communicate thoughtfully and with unwavering candour, honesty, and respect. 
Share insights responsibly. 
Seek out feedback and be prepared to improve. 
Be open to new ideas, new learnings, and new opportunities. 
Be curious.
Take chances.
Get out of your head (and out of your comfort zone).
Be brave. 

Protect your peace.

Create balance.
Establish and enforce boundaries.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Take space.
Show grace.
Trust your gut.
Say no (when you want to or when you need to).
Don’t let anyone push you around.
And breathe, it helps :)

Be unapologetically you.

Be authentic.
Be genuine.
Be yourself.
Show up vulnerably.
Show up imperfectly.
Show up for what matters, even if it’s messy, sometimes.  

You can be kind and still ask tough questions. You can be empathetic and still make hard decisions. You can be professional and still wear sneakers.

And > or. 

You can be both.

You are both.

Saira GangjiComment